Abul Ali and Alex Bwomono share their thoughts on teaching and continuing professional development – after being reunited unexpectedly.
Out of 200 seats at Ambition Institute’s National Professional Qualification (NPQ) for Senior Leadership conference, Alex chose the one next to Abul. It was only after he sat down, he realised he was next his old teacher and mentor, who he hadn’t seen in 12 years.
Alex and Abul are completing Ambition’s NPQ for Senior Leadership. But they previously knew each other from their time at Stanmore College in north London, when Abul taught Alex BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Sport.
“I thought, ‘I know you. I used to teach you!’” Abul remembers. “It was such a lovely coincidence. What were the odds he’d pick the chair right next to me? Alex had been in my first cohort of students in 2010-12, right at the start of my journey as a teacher, so seeing him was a moment of coming full circle. I was so proud to see him at the conference.”
And as Alex recalls: “To pick a seat right next to Abul! I don’t think you could write that. It was amazing. Abul’s someone I look up to and having him there was reassuring.”

The drive to teach
Abul and Alex teach different age groups – Abul is Director of Faculty at Stanmore College and Alex is Lead Teacher at Somers Heath Primary School. But they share a strong drive and commitment to do their best for their pupils.
“Teaching is one of those jobs you have to do if you’re intrinsically motivated and your drive is to help other people,” says Abul. “And the best part of the job is easily the students. I work with 16-to-18-year-olds, and they’re at such an impressionable age that you can support them to become really confident, strong people.”
“When I started teaching, I was only 24, so not that much older than them, but that meant I could easily build a rapport with them. It’s so rewarding when I know I’ve gone above and beyond for a student, and helped them to get the top grades. That’s something I love about my job.”
And Alex’s motivation comes from being able to support children right at the start of their education. “You know when you’re explaining a concept to a child and they’re confused, then, all of a sudden, they grasp it. It’s that lightbulb moment that’s so amazing. And especially in primary school, the learning is exponential – you see their growth in a short space of time.”
“At the start of my career, I was in the playground one day, doing breaktime duty, and two of the boys just came up and held my hands. It made me realise, this is where I’m supposed to be. I was only 22 years old, and the children saw me as a role model.”
“The way I see it, we’re building children for the future,” he continues. “I have a class of 30 children, and for all I know I could have the next prime minister in my class, as well as doctors and lawyers. I’m there at the fundamental years of their development – they’re so young and precious.”

Continuing development at every stage
While at different stages in their careers, both Abul and Alex are strong advocates of continuing professional development (CPD). “Education is ever evolving, and we can’t stand still. We need to be two steps ahead – on everything from technology to education reforms,” says Abul. “More personally, in terms of career progression, CPD gives that advantage over someone else. And it can open real opportunities. For example, I took part in an Ofsted minority leadership programme and shadowed an inspection. That experience was absolutely priceless.”
And he explains how his own learning impacts the whole department. “I end up doing impromptu training sessions with my faculty, based on things that I’ve learnt and that I think will help my colleagues in the classrooms. It’s about coming back into college and sharing your knowledge.”
Alex agrees: “Knowledge is power. The more knowledge you can acquire the better the teacher you’ll be. You can always keep getting better. I always want to be a step ahead and know CPD provides opportunities and opens doors. If training is there, take it. You can always learn something, even if it’s half an hour of learning.”
And that includes some very practical skills. “For example, since learning about how memory works, I’m a better teacher for the children. I know how to start my lessons well, I revisit prior knowledge, then attach bits of knowledge together to help them think. I’ve learnt so much through my training and I use my learning every day. The knowledge gained is applicable, I can use it in class.”
He goes on to explain how valuable he’s found the connections made on training courses. “We’re all going through a journey together, so in a sense we’re bonding over the experience. And we’re all teachers, we can all tell a story of how it is at our school, and that brings a sense of commonality.”
Looking ahead
Abul and Alex started their NPQ for Senior Leadership in February 2024. “It’s an 18-month course,” says Alex, “So we’ll be finishing by September. And hopefully we’ll pass so we can go and celebrate together.”