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Remote Teacher Development: A guide

By Ambition Institute’s Teacher Education Fellows. Edited by Harry Fletcher-Wood

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Date published 12 May 2020

Last updated 21 March 2024

How can teacher educators support their pupils and colleagues while schools are closed?

Since schools closed, teachers have learned rapidly about what works – and what doesn’t – in delivering remote learning.

This guide shares insights gleaned by Ambition Institute’s Teacher Educator Fellows as they’ve supported their colleagues to teach effectively, and to keep getting better, while schools are closed.

Their stories demonstrate the value of maintaining a focus on the principles of learning and teacher education, while finding new ways to allow teachers to act on them.

Each Fellow’s story briefly describes what they have tried and the impact it has had so far. They have also shared the training plans and resources they have used.

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The guide is split into two sections, each with a distinct purpose. The first section explores how we can support teachers to deliver the most effective and empowering online learning while schools are closed.

The second considers the challenges and opportunities teacher educators face when planning professional development for teachers in the current climate, as well as considering what foundations we could lay now for the years that come.


  • 1.1 Identifying action steps to refine online teaching - Josh Goodrich
  • 1.2 Helping teachers to explain ideas clearly - Clare Couves
  • 1.3 Designing work packs and preparing online learning - Susie Fraser
  • 1.4 Collectively designing effective online learning - Rachel Sewell
  • 1.5 Guiding teachers in online learning - Andy Jones & Greg Hughes
  • 1.6 Finding ways to help families and staff remain connected - Jo Riley


  • 2.1 Continuing to develop teachers’ professional knowledge - Debbie Light
  • 2.2 Designing a professional development programme for all staff - Louise Hall & Catherine Clark
  • 2.3 Continuing to train trainee teachers - Keren Davis
  • 2.4 Supporting trainee teachers who are still teaching - Kathryn Frost
  • 2.5 Interviewing prospective teachers remotely - Chris Mitchinson

These extracts, insights and experiences have been shared by the participants on our Teacher Education Fellows programme. They represent specific challenges in their contexts, and draw on the programme's learnings and resources to develop solutions. We hope it serves as a useful resource for other educators across the sector during this difficult time.

Teacher Education Fellows is a two-year programme to help experienced teacher educators develop informed and intentional approaches to the most important components of teacher education.

If you're interested in improving your practice, benefitting from the network and joining the best conversations in education, speak to our team about becoming a 2024 Fellow.

For more information about Ambition Institute and our full programme suite, click here.

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